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Based on STAGE is set for HUGE MOVES Cryptos, Gold & Silver!!!
Interview with Bitcoin Ben
Jun 19, 2020

Analysts think that bitcoin moves randomly because it’s new, and patterns aren’t set, but that isn’t the case. Just take a look at this chart that I’ve created. It wouldn’t be mathematically possible if bitcoin didn’t have a real cycle. 

Bitcoin’s Fascinating Private 192_172 TIME Cycles

In my newsletter, you can find this chart with more specific details.

 If you look at the bitcoin patterns on the chart, you’ll see that bitcoin does have a cycle. It’s a 192/172-day time cycle meaning the cycle alternates between 192 days and 172 days. So from the top left of the chart, you’ll see December 2017, labeled in green, is a 192-day cycle. It takes us to June 26-27, 2018, to the exact day. The next cycle is a 172-day cycle, labeled in blue, which brings us to December 15, 2018, when bitcoin bottomed out at $3,122. 

The next green 192-day cycle took us to June 26-27, 2019, when bitcoin topped out again at $13,888. This is beyond mathematically possible to be happening randomly. 

The 192-cycle completes on June 27, 2020. This is a crucial point for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as well. If it’s a high point, then bitcoin will have a bad summer. But if it’s low, it could bottom and go up again. 

The point is that these cycles are predictable for bitcoin, and the cryptocurrency space as a whole tends to follow bitcoin. And some of the alternate coins since the March low, like ZIL, Digibyte, etc. have done 400+% moves from the March/beginning of April. They outpace bitcoin sizably in a bull market. 

The long-term bitcoin cycle is bullish. Bitcoin, on the whole, is trending up. It will accelerate like never before come 2021. So this year is good, next year will be better and turn into incredible. There are a lot of swings, but on the whole, the market is bullish. 

If you’re going to trade, you should always know what you’re doing. You want to have a core position long term that you are sitting on, take a smaller piece of the pie, and play with that. That’s how I look at it. You’re just trying to increase that piece of the pie that you’re playing with. Keep building the core base because we’re in a long term bull market. 

I don’t use bitcoin’s cycle to tell my followers what bitcoin is going to do. I use other commodities that bitcoin is mimicking. Bitcoin mimics other commodities in history. That’s how you can predict what it’s going to do because the cycle of bitcoin is just one example of a timing cycle. So you’ll see the 27th-29th will be a pivotal time for bitcoin – either a plunge or spike. I don’t know what’s going to happen; I just know that time point is something big. Huge Moves for Cryptos